Full paper publication

The ICPMSAM2023 provides several possibilities for the publication of presented works in one of the collaborating journals.

  Authors of accepted abstracts and registration will be invited to prepare a full paper in English for publication in proposed journals. However, this publication step is optional. All papers will be peer-reviewed and evaluated.

 Articles submitted for publication must be original and must not have been submitted to any other journal.

 Please do not submit multiple papers based on the same research. Please do not submit the same paper to all proposal journals.

All types of participation such as Poster and Oral presentations have equal opportunities for submission of manuscripts to the proposal journals.

Paper template  Paper Template


1- For selected communications, the participants can submit the Extended Abstracts (this step is OPTIONAL). All accepted Extended Abstracts (before the deadline) will be published in one of the proposed proceeding journals, after being peer-reviewed and evaluated. In this case, the selected scientific research, template, and instructions for publication will be communicated via e-mail.

2- Furthermore, high-quality scientific research could be published as a full paper in one of the proposed journals "Special Issue", after being peer-reviewed and selected. The selected scientific research, template, and instructions for publication in "Special Issue" will be communicated via e-mail. In this case, you should not simultaneously be sending the Extended Abstract and full paper.

3-The selected contributions may be submitted after the conference. ALL manuscripts should be sent to the following address: icpmsam2023@gmail.com

----- The papers will be peer-reviewed for publication in:

01 Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences (JFAS); with the   ISSN N°: 1112-9867. Available online at:  https://www.jfas.info

 02 Physics of  Semiconductor Devices & Renewable Energies Journal (PSDREJ);with the   ISSN N°:ISSN : 2992-040x

Available online at:  https://psdrej.com/


Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences


Physics of Semiconductor Devices & Renewable Energies – Physics of Semiconductor  Devices & Renewable Energies

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